Avec des voitures couleur arc-en-ciel la police britannique veut soutenir la communauté LGBT+

La police du comté du Cheshire a peint plusieurs de ses véhicules aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel afin de «donner confiance à notre communauté LGBT +» et lutter contre la haine sur internet. Une action qui a toutefois suscité quelques critiques.
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Police chiefs are pinning their hopes on Rainbow Cars in the fight against so-called hate crime and this video explains why.
— talkRADIO (@talkRADIO) August 23, 2021
If you called police in an emergency would you prefer to wait for a Rainbow Car? pic.twitter.com/wt2j0pD7uX
The headline stating that 'Cheshire Police are painting squad cars in rainbow colours' is inaccurate. We have been in touch with the publication and asked them to correct it. pic.twitter.com/NecGv6ArN2
— Cheshire Police (@cheshirepolice) August 23, 2021