Melbourne : grand rassemblement contre l'obligation vaccinale et un projet de loi anti-Covid-19
Des nombreux manifestants se sont réunis devant le Parlement de l’Etat de Victoria pour protester contre la vaccination obligatoire de certains travailleurs et contre un projet de loi qui renforcerait les mesures de restrictions anti-Covid-19.
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Protest today at Parliament, Melbourne, against Dan Andrews' new pandemic legislation and against mandated vaccines and vaccine passports. #sackdanandrews @MaajidNawaz
— Ivan (@Apeonomics) October 30, 2021
Wow! A senior sergeant who recently QUIT Victoria Police over Covid enforcement tells a massive crowd of cheering protesters in Melbourne that they’ll be remembered as the heroes.
— Avi Yemini 🇦🇺🇮🇱 (@OzraeliAvi) October 30, 2021
Footage from @therealrukshan.